As they made their trek in in the dark, they noticed the aroma of fresh cut grass. Upon getting closer they noticed the field they were going to be calling was laying hay, another bonus. Laying hay is like a smorgasbord for coyotes, with mice, insects, and other various edible foods being chopped up in the blades of the tractor. After it gets raked into nice fluffy piles, it is like ringing the dinner bell for coyotes. Next time one of your properties get hayed, try and just sit the field. Often, coyotes will follow the tractors.
Andy and Eric’s plan was to sit on a strip of brush that separated two fields. They had a northwest breeze that would follow the brush strip, blowing directly down the center of the field. They snuck down the center of the field they planned on watching making sure to keep their trail away from any point where a coyote’s nose might cross their path. They found a good vantage point and setup the camera equipment and sat patiently as the sun began to rise.
Once the camera light was sufficient for filming, Eric started out with a low volume rabbit in distress sequence, knowing the thick brush was only 125 yards both in front and behind him. We like to start out a set with a light sequence just in case we have a coyote close. We can’t tell you how many times we have blown one note of distress and out pops a coyote. As Eric stepped up the volume on his second sequence you could hear the squeals resonating in the woods and after less than 2 minutes we had a coyote that wanted to cooperate…kinda. Without missing a beat, the coyote came sprinting through the hedgerow directly down wind…they knew the gig was up. Eric and Andy were lucky enough to spot the coyote as soon as it ran out and both of them did their respective jobs. Andy found him in the viewfinder. Eric found him in his scope. With the coyote approaching the far woods and almost out of sight, Andy let out a howl and stopped the coyote just short of the wood line. Eric centered his crosshairs, squeezed the Jewell trigger, and a fireball of coyote burning fury sent a 55-gr Nosler Varmageddon to the boiler room of the 36lb male eastern coyote. Just as loud as the first shot of the year, a loud “Dumped’um!” followed.
Nothing like starting the season off with a pile of fur laying in front of both the 22-250 Remington 700 and the camera. This hunt just nails down the point that wind and a coyotes’ nose will make or break a hunt. Luckily for Eric and Andy, after catching their scent, this coyote decided to run out in front of them instead of returning from where he came from. Like they say, hunting is 95% luck.

Shooter: Eric Lawler
Videographer: Andy Delliveneri
Species: Eastern Coyote
Weight: 36 Pounds
Sex: Male
Date: 10/2/2014
TOD: 7:00 am
Temperature: 47°
Call: DWO Signature Series
Rifle: Remington Model 700
Scope: Leupold VX-L 6-20x56mm
Stock: H-S Precision
Trigger: Jewell
Cartridge: Hand Loaded .22-250 Remington, 55gr Nosler Varmegaddon
Bipod: Harris 13.5-27″ pivot
Camo: Duracoate